14. "You obviously don't have a tv!"
Ermmm... yes I do. And I watch it. A lot. Most evenings in fact. It is my escapism from my reality most of the time. Plus it also comes in handy as a children's entertainer when I need one.
I know what people are getting at, that I have lots of kids (well, 3) and that therefore I must have been bored and so got busy - if you know what I mean...
I need to be careful what I say here as who knows, one day my kids might google something and stumble across this blog... but... we conceived the boys by accident. Ok, so we are both adults, and we knew that if we weren't careful there might, maybe, be consequences. We had decided to have another child in the future, but I had just gone freelance, my husband was planning to go freelance, we had just moved house and finally had some space to enjoy, and 'spare rooms' (having spent the first year of our daughter's life cooped up in a one bedroom basement flat, space felt good) so all in all it was not the ideal time to be making a baby, let alone two.
Therefore I often feel completely justified in having a right old moan about my life - I didn't choose to get pregnant, and I most certainly didn't choose to have two of them at once. It was thrust upon me. And I don't personally sign up for the 'god bless me with twins because he knew I could cope' line of thought.
I imagine (and I can only begin to imagine as I haven't walked in their shoes) but it must be really tough if you've fought long and hard for your children, been through rounds of IVF to finally conceive, and to have carried twins... I can imagine that it might make one feel guilty for then having days where you resent them. I might be completely wrong. Maybe you don't. But that is what I often wonder. How hard it might be to be completely honest and say 'some days I wish I hadn't had twins'. I know full well that in the early days I had days when I felt like that.
People use to say 'oh but you wouldn't change a thing would you' - and in my head I said 'yes I bloody would'. It doesn't for one minute mean I didn't and don't love them. I have always loved them. I have always wanted only the best for them. This has been reflected in some of the difficult decisions I have had to make along the way. But despite loving them, there are indeed moments when I have wished I didn't love them, wished I hadn't had them, wish I had never met them - because now I have met them I can't ignore them nor abandon them... And I suspect this is true irrespective of whether you conceived them with IVF or the missionary position. I just wonder how much easier it is to admit this when it is the latter?