My A-Z of twins...
A is for Ample. Ample tiny toes to gaze at.B if for Bottoms. Two squidgy wrinkly impossibly cute bottoms.
C is for Care. Lots and lots of care required.
D is for Dental. Two sets of teeth to be teethed.
E is for Equipment. A house taken over with all the relevant equipment designed to make life easier, when all you actually need is an extra pair of hands.
F is for Fingers. Not just your average ten fingers and thumbs, but instead a whopping 20 fingers and thumbs to kiss and hold.
G is for Giggle. Twice as many baby giggles to soak up.
H is for Happy. Happy to see two sets of first steps, hear two first words.
I is for Individual. Two individual very small people, no matter how much they look the same.
J is for Joy. Twice the trouble, double the joy.
K is for Kisses. Lots of snotty slobbery but totally lovely kisses.
L is for Love. More love than you could ever have imagined. Times two.
M is for Mother. The most important yet challenging role you will ever have.
N is for Nappies. Lots and lots and lots of nappies. And then a few more.
O is for Ordeal. Each day will require courage and endurance in order to reach the other side safely.
P is for Practice. It all gets easier the more you practice, especially leaving the house.
Q is for Quiet. Something that you will now treasure.
R is for Respect. Something you now automatically get. Especially from other mothers.
S is for Sleep. The holy grail.
T is for Two. My new favourite number.
U is for Umpteen. The number of times you will hear 'you've got your hands full'.
V is for Very. Very special.
W is for Wait. A word you will come to use multiple times a day.
X is for Xerophilous. You will learn to cope for long periods without refreshments.
Y is for You. Make sure 'you' is not lost.
Z is for Zombi.